Alexander Richmond in conversation with Normal Al Yankovic




Edinburgh Fringe 2024 is here! And so is our annual features series. This year, it’s all about REVELATIONS: the gossip, the mysteries, the spies and the moles. Because everyone knows you can’t keep a secret at Edinburgh Fringe…

There’s nothing alternative about comedy night The Normal Formal. Everything is middle of the road, straight down the line, as ordinary as you like — until those alternative comedians come along to ruin everything. Alexander Richmond talks to host of the Normal Formal, Normal Al Yankovic, about the indelicate claims against his character.

By Alexander Richmond

Singer/songwriter multidimensional traveler/accountant Normal Al Yankovic is known by many as the “people’s princess” of the non-alternative comedy world. But how “normal” is this supposed guardian of the garden-variety? 

I sat down with “Normal” Al last week to see what answers he could provide in response to some of the more salacious rumors that have been permeating at the Edinburgh Fringe.  

Alex: Hi there, Al, it’s a pleasure to meet you… or is it?

Normal Al: No comment 

Alex: I know you’re expecting me to lob a few soft balls your way, some light banter, some questions about your show or your upcoming betrothal to Taylor Swift. That’s not gonna happen though, bucko, you’re in the hot seat now. 

Normal Al: (silence) 

Alex: Not so talkative now, I suppose. Let’s start with the obvious. Al, you were seen last week exiting the Russian embassy and eating a crastel de nata. Not such a normal pastry! Were you not satisfied with either a croissant or portuguese tart and truly felt the need to be eating both at once in some kind of disgusting hodge-podge pastry perversion!? 

Normal Al: No comment. 

Alex: Do you have a statement to provide in response to the recent report that you were seen canoodling in a hot tub with pop stars Doja Cat and Dua Lipa? What’s wrong with a cold bath, Al? Doesn’t seem very “normal” to be relaxing in an outdoor spa in Summer. Have you no sense of decency?

Normal Al: No comment. 

Alex: Of course, decency is not a word that is likely to be found in your vocabulary, is it Al? Especially not if those salacious rumors are true. Those salacious rumors that you were found by the LAPD, naked, drugged-up and alone in a gorge in a stolen lamborghini. Sorry, did I say alone? I don’t know if it’s credible for me to note that there were the bodies of three circus clowns in the Lamborghini's boot. Astonishing! To say the least, astonishing. To say the most, DOUBLE ASTONISHING! Because if those rumors are true Al, then I just have one question for you. Why such an ostentatious car for such a supposedly regular guy? 

Normal Al: I had stolen it from my wealthy nephew, obviously I’d normally go for something more Aztec-pontiac shaped, like an Aztec Pontiac but needs must. 

Alex: I suppose that does clear that up and help to paint you in a far more ordinary light. Perhaps, I have misjudged you. 

Normal Al: No comment. 

A surprising end to my revealing sit-down with the world’s biggest “normal parody” artist. So, is Normal Al the normal man he wants us all to think he is? Perhaps not, perhaps yot (the positive version of not). Perhaps you’ll have to find out for yourselves by going to watch the Normal Formal in Edinburgh.

The Normal Form runs at Hoots @ Potterow (Big Yurt) from Aug 19-25th, 11:55pm. Tickets here

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