Martin Angolo’s top 5 audience interactions (...or, what not to say to a comedian)
Image: Jim McCambridge
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Martin Angolo is bringing his show Idiot Wind to the Edinburgh Fringe. We’re all for audience interaction, but maybe just not in any of these ways…
By Martin Angolo
As a comedian I rely on audience feedback during a show to gauge how well the act is going down. A career hazard is receiving comments after a performance from usually drunk audience members. Audience observations are usually unwelcome and night ruining. Here are a few examples of these conversations…
At a small comedy club under a pub in Dublin when I’m approached by a man at the bar.
Audience Member: Mark! Mark! I’m such a huge fan!
Martin: It’s Martin.
AM: Whatever. I travelled 2 hours with my best friend to see you tonight. He doesn’t know who you are and I doubt you’ll be his cup of tea but you’re in my top 3 favourite comedians of all time.
M: Oh really! Who else is in your top 3?
AM: Well it’s you, Dave Chappelle and Jimmy Carr…
M: Cool, what order are we in?
AM: I hadn’t thought about it, it’s just a top 3.
My name is called from the stage and I do my set. As it’s new material some of the jokes land better than others but overall it’s a fun set. I leave the stage feeling happy with how it went and I’m immediately approached by the audience member again who hugs me tightly and whispers in my ear.
AM: You’re third.
At a comedy club in London. I do a show with nine other comedians on the line-up, I don’t know any of them, the green room is silent as all the acts are on their phones. After my set I go straight to the bar and order a drink. A clearly drunk audience member approaches.
Audience Member: That was so fucking good mate!
Martin: Thank you very much.
AM: Like I know not everyone got it but I did.
M: I thought it went alright.
AM: No, no I liked it. You did shit the bed a little bit with your trans jokes mate.
M: I didn’t do any trans jokes...
AM: Exactly, you can hardly say anything these days. You’re telling it like it fucking is.
M: I don’t really think I…
AM: You want a drink?
M: No, I have a full pint here.
AM: Let me buy you a pint!
M: Why aren’t you watching the show?
AM: The comic that’s on now is too woke mate.
M: Right… well enjoy the rest of your night.
I leave the audience member at the bar and go back to the green room where I try to tell the comics about the interaction I just had but they refuse to look up from their phones. Feeling alienated I return to the bar and reluctantly take up that free drink offer.
In the pub beside a comedy club in Manchester. A woman overhears that I’ve been gigging next door.
Woman: Are you a comedian?
Martin: It’s debatable.
W: Did it not go well?
M: No it went well…
W: I’m funny. I have a joke you can use.
M: I write my own stuff…
W: What’s the difference between a peeping Tom and a pickpocket?
M: I don’t want to know.
The woman struggles to remember the punchline. There is a long silence.
M: Is it that one snatches…
W: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I’ve got this… it’s something to do with the peeping Tom watching your fanny.
The woman struggles to remember the punchline for a further 2 hours. During which we have many more drinks, she invites me back to her apartment but at the last minute I refuse and return to my Premier Inn alone.
In a taxi home after a show in Dublin. The taxi driver decides to make conversation.
Driver: Were you on tonight?
Martin: I was yeah.
D: Love a bit of comedy myself. Do you do much taking the piss out of the crowd?
M: I don’t really talk to the crowd at all.
D: See that’s the bit I like best. I saw a lad talking to the front row and he called the guy a paedophile. It was fucking hilarious.
M: I just tell jokes.
D: Some pricks get up there, say they’re telling jokes and just tell you about their life like we give a fuck.
M: … Sure
D: I used to do a bit of performing myself. A few songs, couple of dirty jokes and end with a Full Monty tribute. Can’t do a lot of it these days, you get arrested if you get your cock out.
M: … Could you maybe turn the radio on?
D: I had a woman give out to me for telling her this joke the other night. There’s two gays guys in the back of a van…
M: I can get out here actually! Cheers.
I get out of the taxi 20 minutes away from my home and have to walk in the pissing rain.
Comedy Festival in Dublin. I’m approached in the artist bar by a man in a suit wearing a lanyard.
Audience Member: Great set Martin, I was very impressed.
M: Thank you.
AM: All that race stuff was very strong.
M: Well it was just two jokes about race in the whole set…
AM: That’s all I remember from it. So I’m an agent and I think you’d be great on my roster.
M: Oh really!
AM: How would you like to go on Naked Attraction?
M: I’d like to just do comedy shows. Like Live At The Apollo.
AM: I know the booker of Live At The Apollo.
M: Amazing!
AM: They wouldn’t be interested in you.
M: Right.
AM: Here’s my number, let’s talk more about Naked Attraction and if it goes well you could end up with your own show on BBC 3.
After failing the audition for Naked Attraction, I’m still waiting for the call from Live At The Apollo…
Martin Angolo: Idiot Wind runs at Underbelly Bristo Square (Clover) from Jul 31st-Aug 26th (except 12th), 5:25pm. Tickets here
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