Here’s a page about what we think about comedy we’ve seen.
If you happen to have read our About page, you’ll be familiar with our perspective on reviewing. (Head over now to get up to speed.) TLDR: no star ratings, no bad reviews. This means that every show you see on this page is LMAOnaise approved - that’s why all the headlines are all so positive!
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Rosalie Minnitt review: Clementine is utter chaos and utter glee
Rosalie is brilliant in every aspect of this show. Not only is she bursting with spirit, her delivery is hilarious and her skill as a writer, undeniable. It’s line after line of absolute bangers, each one well crafted and meticulously thought through.

Siân Docksey review: Radiant pole dancing comedy brings something completely new
Siân Docksey is not performing stand-up comedy and pole dancing. She has actually created a brand new genre, and is doing something pretty genius in the way the two combine.

Simon David review: Full throttle Dead Dad Show does deserve awards
Simon David is a quadruple threat: he can sing, he can act, he can roller-skate and he's wearing a skirt. He's a boy and he's wearing a skirt. He's from the North and he's wearing a skirt. One Olivier Award please!

Holly Spillar review: Hole is an ethereal and enthralling hour from a one-of-a-kind talent
Holly Spillar’s debut Hole is an ethereal exploration of her experiences with vaginismus, the difficulty of getting a diagnosis and of navigating sex. Or as Holly puts it at the opening of the show: “I’m looking for a pole that fits my hole.”

Urooj Ashfaq review: A compelling personality that keeps everyone hooked
The icing on the cake of this show are the one-liners she pulls out of her pocket at the end — it’s an extra sprinkle of fun on a show that didn’t even really need it but it gives her the opportunity to pretend to be a lizard on the back wall of the venue.

Tatty Macleod review: French v. English comedy with gusto and pathos
Tatty Macleod’s Fugue is best when it goes deeper. The discovery that she’s too English for France and too French for England is something she is still wrestling with now

Sikisa review: Triumphant, multi-talented and a twinkle in her eye
Recently diagnosed with dyslexia, an outcome she says is pointless now that no one is giving her a free laptop for it, in Hear Me Out Sikisa describes the hunt for her own superpower.

Amy Webber review: Confident and inviting, a musical comedian with wide appeal
There’s a song for every occasion, from an abridged lesson in the history of love songs that spans Gregorian chants and Olivia Rodrigo to an on-the-spot funeral song for an audience member

John Tothill review: One of the strongest comedy debuts of the year
Strangely, and seemingly against all odds given the distinct air of lawlessness, I do actually leave feeling like I’ve learnt something, even if this what you would get if Wikipedia was a rollercoaster at Thorpe Park

Jodie Mitchell review: Becoming John Travulva is special — an hour is not enough
Jodie Mitchell’s Glaswegian drag king persona John Travulva is almost as much of a real, tangible character as Jodie themself.

Priya Hall review: A queer celebration of family and Danish sperm banks
Priya Hall is an excellent and warm storyteller, helped by the fact that she has an important story to tell.

Kathy Maniura review: Goofy character comedy finds huge joy in the mundane
Kathy Maniura is really, really good at pretending to be inanimate objects

Lachlan Werner review: The best ventriloquy show you’ll ever see
Little malevolent but ultimately loveable witch Brew steals the show in Lachlan Werner’s Voices of Evil

Mary O’Connell review: A thrilling show about money, joy and success
In her show Money Princess, she has command of the stage, a sharp sense for a surreal turn of phrase and a wonderfully chaotic yet controlled style of storytelling

Alice Cockayne review: Individuality and brilliance from a fascinating performer
I Showered Before I Came enthusiastically succeeds in straddling the divide between fully dedicated clowning and, somehow, observational comedy about life’s mundanities

Sophie Sucks Face review: Musical comedy is poignant and surprisingly relatable (for a show about incest)
Sophie Zucker’s musical is about a young Jewish woman hooking up with her cousin in the bathroom at a family funeral, but there is so much more to this incisive one-woman musical comedy show.

Tamsyn Kelly review: Invigorating show is a hilarious shock to the system
Surprising and unpredictable, Tamsyn Kelly doesn’t take her foot off the gas for a second

Lorna Rose Treen review: Uniquely creative - the possibilities are endless
In Lorna Rose Treen’s Skin Pigeon, every character is more exciting and bizarre than the last

Leila Navabi review: Proof they are the Actual Future of Comedy
Leila Navabi’s debut musical comedy hour Composition is proof they are the actual future of comedy

Matty Hutson review: Playful, heartfelt show from an exceptional talent
Don’t Hold Back is a brilliant platform for Matty Hutson’s versatility in both his musical and comedic abilities.